Freiburg im Breisgau
Deadline Paper
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End Date

The Robotics: Science and Systems has a long history of bringing together researchers in all areas of robotics from around the world for an engaging and focused week of single&#8211;track presentations, workshops, poster sessions, tutorials, and fun! This year, once again, we solicit your best work&#046;<br><div><br></div><div>RSS is actively seeking papers in areas that have not been traditionally represented at the conference and will stay true to its name covering both the “Science” and the “Systems” of robotics&#046; Papers containing original and unpublished work are solicited in all areas of robotics, including (but not limited to) the following themes:<br>Robot AI and Learning (SPECIAL INTEREST TOPIC)<br>Soft and Bio&#8211;Inspired Robotics (SPECIAL INTEREST TOPIC)<br>Applications<br>Cognitive Robotics<br>Field Robotics<br>Human&#8211;Centered Robotics and Automation<br>Humanoids and Animaloids<br>Localization and Mapping<br>Manipulation and Grasping<br>Manufacturing, Process, and Service Automation<br>Mechanisms, Design, and Control<br>Medical and Rehabilitation<br>Micro, Nano, and Biomimetic Systems<br>Multiple and Distributed Systems<br>Planning and Simulation<br>Theoretical Foundations<br>Vision and Sensor&#8211;Based Control<br>Visual Perception and Learning</div>