Communication Systems worldwide have provided a rapidly growing and useful range of services and are continuing to evolve using a multitude of Signal Processing techniques. 2019 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information Communication and Signal Processing (ICSP 2019) will be held in Shandong University, Weihai, China on September 28–30, 2019, follows the very successful "ICSP 2018".<br>The applications of signal processing are vast and interdisciplinary–ranging from engineering to economics and astronomy to biology. The research in areas such as signal coding and de–noising have paved the path for these advancements. Recent decade has witnessed major revolution in communication and processing of digital media. As a consequence, solution to major problems in processing, transmission and reception have made signal processing an integral part of modern electronic and communication systems. Communication on the other hand plays major role in our day to day life. The communication technology helps in the advancement of modern systems to meet our need of efficient exchange of ideas. The current research includes the areas of cognitive radio and IOT.<br>As in the previous year, the conference is technically co–sponsored by the IEEE. Accepted and presented papers have been published in the conference proceedings by IEEE and submitted to IEEE Xplore.
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