Kuala Lumpur
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<div>ICEPOE 2019 welcomes researchers, engineers, scientists and industry professionals to an open forum where advances in the field of Engineering Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering can be shared and examined&#046; The conference is an ideal platform for keeping up with advances and changes to a consistently morphing field&#046; Leading researchers and industry experts from around the globe will be presenting the latest studies through papers and oral presentations<br></div><div><br></div><div>Accelerator physics Digital electronics </div>Acoustics Displays and Holography<br>Advanced Quantum and Optoelectronic Applications Electrochemistry<br>Aerodynamics Electromagnetism<br>Agrophysics Energy Systems<br>Algebra&amp;Its Applications EUV and X&#8211;ray Optics: Synergy between Laboratory and Space<br>Algebraic Statictics &amp; Its Applications Fiber optics<br>Analog electronics Fluid dynamics<br>Applications of engineering physics Force microscopy and imaging<br>Applied Mathematics&amp;Statistics&#046; General Physics<br>Applied physics General physics and physics education<br>Applied mechanics Geometry&amp; Its Applications<br>Astrodynamics Geophysics<br>Atomic Force microscopy and imaging High&#8211;Power, High&#8211;Energy, and High&#8211;Intensity Laser Technology<br>Automation and instrumentation High&#8211;speed photonic links and optical communications<br>Ballistics Holography:Advances and Modern Trends<br>Biomechanics Image Processing<br>Biomedical Optics and Biophotonics Imaging system, Image Processing, and Machine Vision<br>Bionanotechnology Industrial physics<br>Biophysics Information theory<br>Biosensors and bioelectronics Information theory<br>Chemical physics Instrumentation and control<br>Chemical, Environmental, and Process Engineering Integrated Optics: Physics and Simulations<br>Chemistry and Advances Chemical Engineering Integrated and nonlinear waveguide photonics<br>Communication physics Laser Acceleration of Electrons, Protons and Ions<br>Composite materials Laser chemistry and laser material processing and nanofabrication<br>Computational nonlinear fiber and integrated optics Laser medicine and biophotonics<br>Computational Optics Laser Technology and Applications<br>Computational studies of novel photonic materials and theoretical designs of photonic devices Laser physics<br>Computational studies of optical phenomena at the micro&#8211; and nanoscales Light Source Technology<br>Computational terahertz photonics and electronics Liquid crystals for advanced optoelectronics and lasers<br>Computational physics Magnetic materials<br>Condensed matter Materials Science&amp;Engineering<br>Contro theory Materials science and processing<br>Damage to VUV,EUV, and X&#8211;ray Optics (XDamVI) Mathematics Analysis &amp; Its Applications<br>Data mining Mathematics&amp;Modeling<br>Digital electronics Medical Applications of Laser&#8211;Generated Beams of Particles: Review of Progress and Strategies for the Future<br>Digital Optics: Sensing and Imaging Medical and Biological Applications