<div>ICEPOE 2019 welcomes researchers, engineers, scientists and industry professionals to an open forum where advances in the field of Engineering Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering can be shared and examined. The conference is an ideal platform for keeping up with advances and changes to a consistently morphing field. Leading researchers and industry experts from around the globe will be presenting the latest studies through papers and oral presentations<br></div><div><br></div><div>Accelerator physics Digital electronics </div>Acoustics Displays and Holography<br>Advanced Quantum and Optoelectronic Applications Electrochemistry<br>Aerodynamics Electromagnetism<br>Agrophysics Energy Systems<br>Algebra&Its Applications EUV and X–ray Optics: Synergy between Laboratory and Space<br>Algebraic Statictics & Its Applications Fiber optics<br>Analog electronics Fluid dynamics<br>Applications of engineering physics Force microscopy and imaging<br>Applied Mathematics&Statistics. General Physics<br>Applied physics General physics and physics education<br>Applied mechanics Geometry& Its Applications<br>Astrodynamics Geophysics<br>Atomic Force microscopy and imaging High–Power, High–Energy, and High–Intensity Laser Technology<br>Automation and instrumentation High–speed photonic links and optical communications<br>Ballistics Holography:Advances and Modern Trends<br>Biomechanics Image Processing<br>Biomedical Optics and Biophotonics Imaging system, Image Processing, and Machine Vision<br>Bionanotechnology Industrial physics<br>Biophysics Information theory<br>Biosensors and bioelectronics Information theory<br>Chemical physics Instrumentation and control<br>Chemical, Environmental, and Process Engineering Integrated Optics: Physics and Simulations<br>Chemistry and Advances Chemical Engineering Integrated and nonlinear waveguide photonics<br>Communication physics Laser Acceleration of Electrons, Protons and Ions<br>Composite materials Laser chemistry and laser material processing and nanofabrication<br>Computational nonlinear fiber and integrated optics Laser medicine and biophotonics<br>Computational Optics Laser Technology and Applications<br>Computational studies of novel photonic materials and theoretical designs of photonic devices Laser physics<br>Computational studies of optical phenomena at the micro– and nanoscales Light Source Technology<br>Computational terahertz photonics and electronics Liquid crystals for advanced optoelectronics and lasers<br>Computational physics Magnetic materials<br>Condensed matter Materials Science&Engineering<br>Contro theory Materials science and processing<br>Damage to VUV,EUV, and X–ray Optics (XDamVI) Mathematics Analysis & Its Applications<br>Data mining Mathematics&Modeling<br>Digital electronics Medical Applications of Laser–Generated Beams of Particles: Review of Progress and Strategies for the Future<br>Digital Optics: Sensing and Imaging Medical and Biological Applications
Kuala Lumpur
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