<div>NEVVE 2019 welcomes researchers, engineers, scientists and industry professionals to an open forum where advances in the field of New Energy Vehicle and Vehicle Engineering can be shared and examined. The conference is an ideal platform for keeping up with advances and changes to this field.<br></div><div><br></div><div>AREA 1: INTELLIGENT VEHICLE TECHNOLOGIES </div>· Automotive Control and Mechatronics<br>· Autonomous Vehicles and Automated Driving<br>· Cognitive and Context–aware Intelligence<br>· Driver Behavior Analysis<br>· Navigation Systems<br>· Off the Road Vehicles<br>· Pattern Recognition for Vehicles<br>· Traffic and Vehicle Data Collection and Processing<br>· Vehicle Environment Perception<br>· Vision and Image Processing<br>AREA 2: INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS AND INFRASTRUCTURE<br>· Air, Road, and Rail Traffic Management<br>· Automatic Tolls<br>· Congestion Management and Avoidance<br>· Geographic Information Systems<br>· Information Systems and Technologies<br>· Intelligent Infrastructure and Guidance Systems<br>· Parking Management and Electronic Parking<br>· Ports and Vessel Traffic Management<br>· Public Transportation Management<br>· Real–time Incident Detection<br>· Road Safety and Transport Security<br>· Traffic Theory, Modeling, and Simulation<br>· Urban Mobility and Multimodal Transportation<br>· Wireless Sensor Networks<br>· Big Data Analytics for Intelligent Transportation<br>AREA 3: CONNECTED VEHICLES<br>· Big Data and Vehicle Analytics<br>· Cognitive Radio<br>· Communication Protocols<br>· Connected Services<br>· Cooperative Driving and Traffic Management<br>· Mobility and the Internet of Vehicles<br>· Remote Diagnosis<br>· Security and Safety<br>· V2V, V2I, V2X<br>· Vehicle Telematics<br>· Vehicular Cloud Computing<br>· Vehicular Networks<br>AREA 4: SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT<br>· Alternative Fuels<br>· Electric Vehicles<br>· Engine–Efficiency and Emissions Control<br>· Fuel Cell Vehicles<br>· Hybrid EVs<br>· Power Management<br>· Smart Grid and V2G<br>· Systems Modeling and Simulation<br>· Transport for People with Disabilities<br>· City Mobility and Ecodriving<br>Other<br>· Advances in Road Vehicles Dynamics and Controls (Modeling and Validation)<br>· Advances in Methods for Tire Design<br>· Advances in Road Vehicle Passive Safety and Ergonomics<br>· Advances in Methods for Road Vehicle Systems Design<br>· Advances in Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Design<br>
Jeju Island
South Korea
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