Jeju Island
South Korea
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<div>NEVVE 2019 welcomes researchers, engineers, scientists and industry professionals to an open forum where advances in the field of New Energy Vehicle and Vehicle Engineering can be shared and examined&#046; The conference is an ideal platform for keeping up with advances and changes to this field&#046;<br></div><div><br></div><div>AREA 1: INTELLIGENT VEHICLE TECHNOLOGIES </div>· Automotive Control and Mechatronics<br>· Autonomous Vehicles and Automated Driving<br>· Cognitive and Context&#8211;aware Intelligence<br>· Driver Behavior Analysis<br>· Navigation Systems<br>· Off the Road Vehicles<br>· Pattern Recognition for Vehicles<br>· Traffic and Vehicle Data Collection and Processing<br>· Vehicle Environment Perception<br>· Vision and Image Processing<br>AREA 2: INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS AND INFRASTRUCTURE<br>· Air, Road, and Rail Traffic Management<br>· Automatic Tolls<br>· Congestion Management and Avoidance<br>· Geographic Information Systems<br>· Information Systems and Technologies<br>· Intelligent Infrastructure and Guidance Systems<br>· Parking Management and Electronic Parking<br>· Ports and Vessel Traffic Management<br>· Public Transportation Management<br>· Real&#8211;time Incident Detection<br>· Road Safety and Transport Security<br>· Traffic Theory, Modeling, and Simulation<br>· Urban Mobility and Multimodal Transportation<br>· Wireless Sensor Networks<br>· Big Data Analytics for Intelligent Transportation<br>AREA 3: CONNECTED VEHICLES<br>· Big Data and Vehicle Analytics<br>· Cognitive Radio<br>· Communication Protocols<br>· Connected Services<br>· Cooperative Driving and Traffic Management<br>· Mobility and the Internet of Vehicles<br>· Remote Diagnosis<br>· Security and Safety<br>· V2V, V2I, V2X<br>· Vehicle Telematics<br>· Vehicular Cloud Computing<br>· Vehicular Networks<br>AREA 4: SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT<br>· Alternative Fuels<br>· Electric Vehicles<br>· Engine&#8211;Efficiency and Emissions Control<br>· Fuel Cell Vehicles<br>· Hybrid EVs<br>· Power Management<br>· Smart Grid and V2G<br>· Systems Modeling and Simulation<br>· Transport for People with Disabilities<br>· City Mobility and Ecodriving<br>Other<br>· Advances in Road Vehicles Dynamics and Controls (Modeling and Validation)<br>· Advances in Methods for Tire Design<br>· Advances in Road Vehicle Passive Safety and Ergonomics<br>· Advances in Methods for Road Vehicle Systems Design<br>· Advances in Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Design<br>