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Researchers, scientists, engineers and industry professionals will join together this year at ICSFrontiers 2019, where the latest research will be unveiled and groundbreaking research projects will be presented&#046; The field of Frontiers of Information and Communications Security is entering an era of unprecedented change and innovation&#046; ICSFrontiers 2019 presents one of 2019’s premiere opportunities to hear from and network with an international array of experts on the ever evolving state of the field&#046;<br>Access control Language&#8211;based security<br>Anonymity Malware and Anti&#8211;malware<br>Anti&#8211;virus and anti&#8211;worms Mobile computing security and privacy<br>Applied cryptography Network Functions Virtualization security<br>Authentication and authorization Network security<br>Biometric security Operating systems security<br>Blockchain and digital currency security Post&#8211;snowden cryptography<br>Cloud security Privacy protection<br>Computer and digital forensics Privacy&#8211;preserving data mining<br>Cyber&#8211;physical systems security Risk assessment<br>Data and system integrity Risk evaluation and security<br>Database security Security and privacy of Big Data<br>Databased security Security for mobile computing<br>Digital currency Security in wearable computing and Internet of things<br>Distributed systems security Security management<br>E&#8211;Commerce security and trust issues Security models<br>Electronic commerce security Security models, metrics, and policies<br>Embedded systems security Security of Critical Infrastructure<br>Engineering issues of cryptographic and security systems Security protocols<br>Engineering issues of cryptographic protocols and security systems Social networks security, privacy, and trust<br>Fraud and cyber&#8211;crime Software Defined Networking security<br>Hardware security Trust and reputation systems<br>Identity access management Trusted computing and trustworthy computing technologies<br>Industrial Control Systems security Trusted computing and trustworthy computing technology<br>Information hiding and watermarking Underground economy<br>Insider threat detection Usable security<br>Intellectual property protection Usable security and privacy<br>Intrusion detection Verification of security protocols<br>IoT security and privacy Web security<br>Key management and key recovery Wireless security<br>