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The 15th International Conference on Computing and Information Technology<br>Arnoma Grand Hotel Bangkok, Thailand<br>Topics of Interests:<br>Conference topics include (but not limited to):<br>Architecture &amp; Applications:<br>Business Intelligence, Decision Support, Evolutionary Computation, Hybrid Systems, Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Management, Knowledge Transfer, Ontology and Semantic Web, Optimization, Swarm Intelligence, Particle Swarm Optimization, Recommender Systems<br>Data Science &amp; Machine Learning:<br>Affective Computing, Artificial Neural Network, Behavior Analytics, Big Data Analysis, Community Analysis, Computational Intelligence, Data Mining, Deep Learning, Feature Selection, Fuzzy Systems, Geographic and Spatial Data Mining, User Behavior prediction<br>Image &amp; Video Processing:<br>Biometric Quality, Computer Vision, Image and Video Forensic, Image Enhancement, Image Compression, Image Processing, Image Recognition/Classification, Human&#8211;Computer Interface, Multiple Object Tracking, Remote Sensing Image Series, Signal Processing, Virtual Reality<br>Natural Language Processing &amp; Text Mining:<br>Computational Linguistics, Information Retrieval, Name Entity Recognition, Natural Language Processing, Natural Language Understanding, Question Answering, Semantic Mining, Sentiment Analysis, Social Network Mining, Text Mining, Topic Models, Web Mining<br>Network &amp; Security:<br>Ad Hoc Networks, Content Delivery, Cloud &amp; Grid Computing, Emergence in Computer Network, Network Bandwidth, Network Security, Next Generation Network, P2P Networks and Protocols, Real Time Streaming Networks, Self&#8211;Organization Networks, Sensor Networks, Wired and Wireless Networks<br><div><br></div>