When cyber–physical systems become interconnected with each other and with the Internet, they are called the Internet of Things (IoT), forming "the infrastructure of the information society". Fog Computing is a "system–level architecture that distributes resources and services of computing, storage, control and net–working anywhere along the continuum from Cloud to Things" and is about to tremendously impact the IoT. The Fog–IoT 2019 workshop will be co–located with CPS–IoT Week 2019, taking place in Montreal, Canada, April 15–18, 2019. The workshop itself takes place on April 15th.<br>###TOPICS OF INTEREST###<br>The objective of this workshop is to be a forum for presenting and discussing recent developments and trends in Fog/Edge Computing that represent challenges and opportunities for CPS and IoT researchers and practitioners. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>* Fog Computing Architectures and Frameworks<br>* Virtualization and Hypervisors for Fog Computing<br>* Middleware for Fog Computing<br>* Real–Time and Schedulability Aspects of Fog Computing<br>* Formal Methods for Fog Computing Systems<br>* CPS and Fog Computing<br>* Multi–tiered, novel Resource Management Solutions Involving the Edge/Fog/Cloud<br>* Software–Defined Solutions in Fog Computing<br>* Mobile Fog Computing<br>* Data Centers and Infrastructures for Fog Computing<br>* Programming Models and Runtime Systems for Fog Computing<br>* Fog Resource Management for Guaranteed Quality–of–Service<br>* Control–as–a–service and Virtualization of Control, Guaranteeing Quality–of–Control<br>* Fog Computing Modeling and Analysis<br>* Performance Analysis of Fog Computing Systems<br>* Fog and Cloud Integration<br>* Data Analytics and AI/ML at the Edge<br>* Use Cases for / and Applications of Fog Computing<br>* Emerging Fog Communication Technologies and Protocols (IEEE Time–Sensitive Networking, 5G)<br>* Fog Computing Security, Data Privacy and Trust<br>* Fog Computing Dependability and Safety<br>* Standardization Efforts and Standards Relevant for Fog Computing<br>* Interoperability Standards and Solutions, including OPC UA and DDS<br>* Discussion of Open Datasets and Testbeds<br><div><br></div>
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