The next ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers will<br>beheld May 1 – 3 in Sardinia, Italy. Computing Frontiers is an<br>eclectic, collaborative community of researchers who investigate<br>emerging technologies in the broad field of computing: our common goal<br>is to drive the scientific breakthroughs that transform society.<br>Technology is experiencing revolutions in memory devices and systems,<br>networks, electronic device production, machine learning, data<br>analytics, cloud computing, techniques to improve power and energy<br>efficiency, and systems portability/wearability, to name but a few areas.<br>New application domains that affect everyday life are emerging,<br>especially in the era of highly interconnected and collaborative<br>cyber–physical systems. Boundaries between the state–of–the–art and<br>revolutionary innovation constitute the frontiers that mark the<br>advances of science, engineering, and information technology.<br>Early research that envisions future technologies provides the bases<br>that allow novel materials, devices, and systems to become mainstream.<br>Collaborative efforts among researchers with different expertises and<br>backgrounds enables revolutionary scientific breakthroughs that lead<br>to innovative solutions over a wide spectrum of computer systems, from<br>embedded and hand–held/wearable devices to supercomputers and data<br>centers.<br>TOPICS OF INTEREST<br>==================<br>We seek original research contributions at the frontiers of a wide<br>range of topics, including novel computing paradigms, computational<br>models, algorithms, application paradigms, development environments,<br>compilers, operating environments, computer architectures (from<br>embedded to HPC systems), hardware substrates, memory technologies,<br>and storage solutions.<br>* Innovative Approaches, Algorithms, and Models of Computing, Including<br>but Not Limited to<br>– Approximate and inexact computing, probabilistic computing<br>– Quantum computing<br>– Biological computing models, including brain computing, neural<br>computing, computational neuroscience, and biologically–inspired<br>architectures<br>– Reconfigurable computing<br>– Dataflow approaches<br>* Approaches to Overcoming Technological Limitations<br>– Limits on technology scaling and Moore′s Law<br>– Defect– and variability–tolerant designs<br>– New materials such as graphene<br>– Nanoscale design, optoelectronics, and dark silicon<br>– New memory designs such as 3D stacked technology<br>– Challenges for many–core designs and accelerators<br>– Dealing with manufacturing variability<br>– Computing on mobile devices<br>* Embedded and Cyber–Physical Systems<br>– Design space exploration and modeling and development frameworks<br>– Ultra–low power designs, energy scavenging<br>– Reactive and real–time systems, reconfigurable and self–aware<br>systems<br>– Sensor networks, internet of things, and architectural innovation<br>for wearable computing<br>* New Approaches for Big Data Analytics and Machine and Deep Learning<br>– High performance data analytics<br>– Data search and representation<br>– Novel architecture and system designs<br>* Large–Scale System Design<br>– Homogeneous and heterogeneous architectures, runtimes, networking<br>– Power– and energy–management for clouds, data centers, and<br>exascale systems<br>* Fault Tolerance and Resilience<br>– Solutions for ultra–large and safety–critical systems<br>– Hardware and software approaches to cope with adverse environments<br>such as space<br>* Compiler Technologies<br>– Advanced/novel analyses<br>– Hardware/software integrated solutions<br>– High–level synthesis<br>* Programming Languages, Models, and Runtimes<br>– Development environments and tools<br>– New programming approaches for next generation systems and<br>applications<br>– Domain–specific languages<br>– Task–based approaches<br>– Graphical and high–level programming<br>– Performance analysis, debugging, correctness tools<br>* System Software<br>– Advances in operating systems, virtualization, and container<br>technologies<br>– New approaches for resource and job management, and scheduling<br>– Workflow systems<br>* Security<br>– Methods, system support, and hardware for protecting against<br>malicious code<br>– Real–time implementations of security algorithms and protocols<br>– Quantum and post–quantum cryptography<br>– Advanced persistent threats, cyber and physical attacks, and<br>countermeasures<br>* Computers and Society, Interdisciplinary Applications<br>– Education, health, cost/energy–efficient design, smart cities, and<br>emerging markets<br>– Applications bridging multiple disciplines in interesting ways<br>
Alghero, Sardinia
Deadline Paper
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