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The objective of the workshop is to bring together industry and science by providing a platform for discussion, interaction and collaboration&#046; Industrial papers should either describe challenges of system or software testing that could trigger future research activities or present comparable results of applying model&#8211;based security testing&#046; Research papers are expected to present promising ideas or possible solutions to industrial challenges in the field of model&#8211;based security testing&#046; Topics of interest comprise but are not limited to:<br>automation and intelligent management of SOA testing<br>testing in the cloud<br>testing as a service<br>practical experiences from web service testing<br>risk&#8211;based testing<br>large scale systems<br>interoperability in smart cities<br>smart grids testing<br>related pilot projects<br>IoT and I4&#046;0 testing<br>AI&#8211;based testing<br>System testing and validation is an area which has been the focus of many research efforts for decades&#046; Yet, due to new challenges resulting from new development processes, such as SCRUM used in agile development and new aspects of large scale system integration, the need for efficient testing has been seeing much resent research&#046; That is why this workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners in the field of system testing and validation&#046; The goal of the workshop is to provide a forum for presenting and discussing work in progress, or ideas for future research in response to future trends&#046;<br>The workshop will be during the QRS 2019 conference week in Sofia, Bulgaria&#046; This year STV is supported by the research projects TESTOMAT and IoT&#8211;T&#046;<br>More information coming soon&#046;<br>