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WASA is an international conference on algorithms, systems, and applications of wireless networks&#046; It is motivated by the recent advances in cutting&#8211;edge electronic and computer technologies that have paved the way for the proliferation of ubiquitous infrastructure and infrastructureless wireless networks&#046;<br>WASA is designed to be a forum for theoreticians, system and application designers, protocol developers and practitioners to discuss and express their views on the current trends, challenges, and state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art solutions related to various issues in wireless networks&#046; Topics of interests include, but are not limited to, effective and efficient state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art algorithm design and analysis, reliable and secure system development and implementations, experimental study and testbed validation, and new application exploration in wireless networks&#046;<br>In addition to technical sessions and panels, the conference will feature several keynote speeches, given by leading researchers and practitioners in the areas of algorithms, systems, and applications in wireless networks&#046;<br>Submission Guidelines<br>Submission page: https://easychair&#046;org/conferences/?conf=wasa2019<br>Submitted papers should be original, unpublished work and not currently under review for any other conference or journal&#046; Papers not following these guidelines will be rejected&#046;<br>Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>Cognitive Radio Networks, Software&#8211;defined radio, reconfigurable radio networks<br>Cyber&#8211;physical systems including intelligent transportation systems and smart healthcare systems<br>Theoretical frameworks and analysis of fundamental cross&#8211;layer protocol and network design and performance issues<br>Distributed and localized algorithm design and analysis<br>Information and Coding theory for Wireless Networks<br>Localization<br>Mobility models and mobile social networking<br>Mobile cloud computing<br>Topology control and coverage<br>Security and privacy<br>Underwater and underground Networks<br>Vehicular networks<br>Radar and Sonar Networks<br>PHY/MAC/Routing protocols<br>Information processing and data management<br>Programmable service interfaces<br>Energy&#8211;efficient algorithms, systems and protocol design<br>Operating system and middleware support<br>Pervasive and ubiquitous computing<br>Local area and personal wireless networks<br>Applications, design, and performance of wireless ad hoc and sensor networks<br>Delay/disruption tolerant networks<br>Experimental testbeds, models and case studies<br>