Topics of Interest<br>The VHPC program committee solicits original, high–quality submissions related to<br>virtualization across the entire software stack with a special focus on the intersection<br>of HPC, containers–virtualization and the cloud.<br>Major Topics:<br>– HPC on Containers and VMs<br>– Containerized applications with OS–level virtualization<br>– Lightweight applications with Unikernels<br>– HP–as–a–Service<br>each major topic encompassing design/architecture, management, performance<br>management, modeling and configuration/tooling:<br>Design / Architecture:<br>– Containers and OS–level virtualization (LXC, Docker, rkt, Singularity, Shifter, i.a.)<br>– Hypervisor support for heterogeneous resources (GPUs, co–processors, FPGAs, etc.)<br>– Hypervisor extensions to mitigate side–channel attacks<br>([micro–]architectural timing attacks, privilege escalation)<br>– VM & Container trust and security models<br>– Multi–environment coupling, system software supporting in–situ analysis with HPC simulation<br>– Cloud reliability, fault–tolerance and high–availability<br>– Energy–efficient and power–aware virtualization<br>– Containers inside VMs with hypervisor isolation<br>– Virtualization support for emerging memory technologies<br>– Lightweight/specialized operating systems in conjunction with virtual machines<br>– Hypervisor support for heterogeneous resources (GPUs, co–processors, FPGAs, etc.)<br>– Novel unikernels and use cases for virtualized HPC environments<br>– ARM–based hypervisors, ARM virtualization extensions<br>Management:<br>– Container and VM management for HPC and cloud environments<br>– HPC services integration, services to support HPC<br>– Service and on–demand scheduling & resource management<br>– Dedicated workload management with VMs or containers<br>– Workflow coupling with VMs and containers<br>– Unikernel, lightweight VM application management<br>– Environments and tools for operating containerized environments (batch, orchestration)<br>– Novel models for non–HPC workload provisioning on HPC resources<br>Performance Measurements and Modeling:<br>– Performance improvements for or driven by unikernels<br>– Optimizations of virtual machine monitor platforms and hypervisors<br>– Scalability analysis of VMs and/or containers at large scale<br>– Performance measurement, modeling and monitoring of virtualized/cloud workloads<br>– Virtualization in supercomputing environments, HPC clusters, HPC in the cloud<br>Configuration / Tooling:<br>– Tool support for unikernels: configuration/build environments, debuggers, profilers<br>– Job scheduling/control/policy and container placement in virtualized environments<br>– Operating MPI in containers/VMs and Unikernels<br>– Software defined networks and network virtualization<br>– GPU virtualization operationalization<br>The Workshop on Virtualization in High–Performance Cloud Computing (VHPC) aims to<br>bring together researchers and industrial practitioners facing the challenges<br>posed by virtualization in order to foster discussion, collaboration, mutual exchange<br>of knowledge and experience, enabling research to ultimately provide novel<br>solutions for virtualized computing systems of tomorrow.<br>The workshop will be one day in length, composed of 20 min paper presentations, each<br>followed by 10 min discussion sections, plus lightning talks that are limited to 5 minutes.<br>Presentations may be accompanied by interactive demonstrations.<br>
Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date