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With rapid development of digital devices and communication techniques, we are in the big data era&#046; Many aspects for both scientific research and people’s daily life has been influenced by big data based technology such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and Internet of Things&#046; Providing security and privacy for big data storage, transmission, and processing has been attracting much attention in all big data related areas&#046; EEE BigDataSecurity 2019 addresses this domain and aims to gather academic achievements in this field&#046;<br>Internet of Things is the second concentration of IEEE BigDataSecurity 2019&#046; The emerging needs for transmission, storage, and processing data in IoT environment with security and privacy guaranteed have attracted attention from a number of different perspectives&#046; The new methods deployed in IoT environment have covered distinct dimensions, such as edge/fog computing, energy consumptions, high performance, and heterogeneous resources, cloud models, heterogeneous architecture, tele&#8211;health, resource allocation, load balance, multimedia, and QoS, etc&#046;<br>Novel big data model<br>Big data security issues in IoT<br>Big data privacy issues in IoT<br>Big data security issues in cloud computing<br>Big data privacy in cloud computing<br>Big data storage, integration, service, mining<br>Big data security applications<br>Cyber hacking, next generation fire wall<br>Cyber monitoring, incident response<br>Database security, data center security<br>Social engineering, insider threats, advance spear phishing<br>Cyber threat intelligence<br>Security and fault tolerance for embedded or ubiquitous systems<br>Tele&#8211;health security in cloud computing<br>Sensor network security in cloud computing<br>Security policy and legal considerations<br>Cloud and networking security<br>Cloud computing and networking models<br>Virtualization for big data on cloud<br>MapReduce with cloud for big data processing<br>Heterogeneous architecture for cloud computing<br>Dynamic resource sharing algorithm for cloud computing<br>Load balance for cloud computing<br>Mobile cloud computing<br>Mobile commerce security and privacy<br>Green cloud computing<br>Embedded networks and sensor network optimizations<br>Cyber Security in emergent technologies<br>