It is evident that IoT is entering multiple fields of everyday life. The proliferation of IoT devices as well as the numerous use cases reveal the very promising potentials of IoT in revolutionizing several aspects of common activities as well as business processes. The vision of interconnecting billions of devices in a holistic network, where machines communicate along with traditional human communications is now being realized, towards the formation of the Internet of Everything (as called by Cisco). The heavy research endeavors of last years have provided efficient solutions and enhanced technologies that enable the creation of such a network, overcoming several challenges stemming from the special attributes of device–to–device communications, embedded devices, and big data management. The new challenge is to identify efficient ways of integrating IoT technologies in contemporary applications exploiting the potentials of real–time monitoring, interactive control, self–management, and data analytics towards “smart” behavior and enhanced performance. The main scope of the “IoT Applications and Industry 4.0” (IoTI4) workshop is to identify and promote new techniques for the realization of promising IoT applications in various areas, including Industry 4.0 scenarios.<br>Prospective authors are invited to submit high–quality original technical papers reporting original research of theoretical or applied nature for presentation at the workshop and publication in the IoTI4 2019 Proceedings. All papers will be reviewed and evaluated by independent experts and selected based on their originality, merit, and relevance to the workshop. Accepted and presented papers will be published as part of the IEEE DCOSS 2019 conference proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore.<br>Submissions will be made using the EasyChair system. The workshop submission link is<br>***Topi… of Interest (not limited to)***<br>The topics of interest revolve around IoT techniques (including networking, platforms, middleware, data analysis, security) for all applications such as:<br>– Industry 4.0<br>– Smart Electric Grids<br>– Smart Farming<br>– Environmental Telemetry<br>– Smart City<br>– Smart Home<br>– Renewable Energy<br>– Remote E–health<br>– Vehicular Networks<br>– Autonomous Vehicles<br>– Flying Networks<br>– Sensor Networks<br>– Wearables<br>– Smart Retails and Supply Chain
Santorini Island
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