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* NEW IN DISC 2019<br>We will use double&#8211;blind peer review in DISC 2019, all submissions must be anonymous! However, you are still free to post your work e&#046;g&#046; on arXiv&#046;<br>* SCOPE<br>Original contributions to theory, design, implementation, modeling, analysis, or application of distributed systems and networks are solicited&#046; Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>&#8211; Distributed computing theory, computability, knowledge<br>&#8211; Concurrency and synchronization, transactional memory<br>&#8211; Distributed algorithms and data structures: correctness and complexity<br>&#8211; Distributed graph algorithms, dynamic networks, network science<br>&#8211; Multiprocessor and multicore parallel architectures and algorithms<br>&#8211; Circuits, Systems on chip and networks on chip<br>&#8211; Wireless, mobile, sensor and ad&#8211;hoc networks<br>&#8211; Fault tolerance and self&#8211;stabilization, reliability, availability<br>&#8211; Security in distributed computing, cryptographic protocols<br>&#8211; Block chain and other recent distributed paradigms<br>&#8211; Game&#8211;theoretic approaches to distributed computing<br>&#8211; Formal verification, synthesis and testing: methodologies, tools<br>&#8211; Distributed operating systems, middleware, and distributed programming<br>&#8211; Distributed databases, big data, cloud and peer&#8211;to&#8211;peer computing<br>&#8211; Mobile agents, autonomous distributed systems, swarm robotics<br>&#8211; Biological and nature&#8211;inspired distributed algorithms<br>&#8211; Machine learning and distributed computing<br>