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SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES<br>Computational, storage, accelerators, and sensing resources are required to be interconnected in efficient ways in most complex systems such as data&#8211;centers and cloud infrastructures, data centers interconnects, cyber physical security systems, many&#8211;core processors, HPC and reconfigurable platforms&#046;<br>This workshop is concerned with the design of high performance interconnection networks and interconnects for such complex systems&#046; Also of interest is to explore systems using high performance interconnection networks and interconnects&#046; It is intended to serve as a forum to bring together researchers from academia and the experts from industry to present and discuss innovative ideas and solutions in high performance interconnection networks&#046; These will be also critical on the march to Exascale era&#046;<br>Selected high&#8211;quality papers from the workshop will be invited for extension and publication in a special issue in the International Journal Microprocessors and Microsystems and other well established scientific journals&#046;<br>The HPINI Workshop topics include (but are not limited to) the following:<br>Multi&#8211;core on&#8211;chip Interconnects, Clusters Interconnects, Systems Interconnects, and Data Centers Interconnects<br>Hardware and software architectures and implementations for interconnection networks<br>On/Off&#8211;chip interconnection network architecture (topology, routing, arbitration, &#046;&#046;&#046;)<br>(Self&#8211;aware) Quality of Service<br>Design, implementation, and evaluation of interconnect standards (InfiniBand, Ethernet, PCI&#8211;Express, HyperTransport)<br>Performance and power management issues<br>Asynchronous interconnect designs<br>System modelling and simulation<br>Reliability, scalability, availability, and fault tolerance<br>(Self&#8211;aware) reconfigurability issues<br>Interconnects for Memory system design and optimizations<br>Flow control and congestion management<br>Implementing HPIN with FPGAs<br>HPIN for cyber physical systems<br>HPIN for cyber security<br>Application specific HPIN<br>HPIN for data centers<br>Reconfigurable/Programmable interconnect components<br>Impact of the interconnect on application performance<br>