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Nowadays, the correct functioning of information systems represents a fundamental milestone for the well&#8211;being of modern economies and societies&#046; The scientific evolution of digital, analog, and physical components with the interactions between networks created the Cyber&#8211;Physical Systems (CPS)&#046; Even though the benefits of the cyber and physical world interactions are noticeable, new security challenges have arisen: typical vulnerabilities from the cyber domain emerged in CPS&#046; Cyber&#8211;attacks over CPS pose different security challenges&#046; In particular, classic Information Technology (IT) cyber security tools are considered partially or totally ineffective in CPS scenarios because complex cyber&#8211;physical attacks could avoid security detection methodologies developed specifically for the IT world&#046; The prevention, detection, and mitigation of cyber&#8211;attacks encompass both the physical and the cyber layers of a system: to this end, approaches to securing CPS consider techniques adopted in the physical domain and in the cyber space&#046;<br>Following the success of the previous editions, the IEEE International Workshop on Cyber&#8211;Physical Systems Security 2019 (CPS&#8211;Sec 2019) aims to represent a forum for researchers and practitioners from industry and academia interested in the areas of CPS security&#046; CPS&#8211;Sec 2019 seeks novel submissions describing practical and theoretical solutions to the cyber&#8211;physical security challenges&#046; A submission may represent any CPS domain, including embedded systems, Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), SCADA Systems, Smart&#8211;Grid Systems, Critical Infrastructure, Automotive and Transportation Systems, Medical applications&#046;<br>Example topics of interest are given below, but are not limited to:<br>&#8211;) Secure CPS architectures<br>&#8211;) Authentication mechanisms for CPS<br>&#8211;) Access control for CPS<br>&#8211;) Key management in CPS<br>&#8211;) Data security and privacy for CPS<br>&#8211;) Forensics for CPS<br>&#8211;) Intrusion detection for CPS<br>&#8211;) Trusted&#8211;computing in CPS<br>&#8211;) Energy&#8211;efficient and secure CPS<br>&#8211;) Availability, recovery and auditing for CPS<br>&#8211;) Distributed secure solutions for CPS<br>&#8211;) Threat models for CPS<br>&#8211;) Physical layer security for CPS<br>&#8211;) Security on heterogeneous CPS<br>&#8211;) Secure protocol design in CPS<br>&#8211;) Vulnerability analysis of CPS<br>&#8211;) Anonymization in CPS<br>&#8211;) Security of CPS in automotive systems<br>&#8211;) Security of CPS in aerospace systems<br>&#8211;) Security of embedded systems<br>&#8211;) Security of CPS in medical devices/systems<br>&#8211;) Security of CPS in civil engineering systems/devices<br>&#8211;) Security of industrial control systems<br>&#8211;) Security of Internet&#8211;of&#8211;Things<br>