New York City
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The 30th IEEE International Conference on Application&#8211;specific Systems, Architectures and Processors 2019 will take place in New York, US&#046; The 2019 edition of the conference is organized by Cornell Tech&#046; The history of the event traces back to the International Workshop on Systolic Arrays, organized in 1986 in Oxford, UK&#046; It later developed into the International Conference on Application Specific Array Processors&#046; With its current title, it was organized for the first time in Chicago, USA in 1996&#046; Since then it has alternated between Europe and North&#8211;America&#046; The conference will cover the theory and practice of application&#8211;specific systems, architectures and processors&#046; The 2019 conference will build upon traditional strengths in areas such as computer arithmetic, cryptography, compression, signal and image processing, network processing, reconfigurable computing, application&#8211;specific instruction&#8211;set processors, and hardware accelerators&#046;<br>Topics of Interest (but not limited to)<br>Big data analytics<br>Cloud computing infrastructures and acceleration<br>Heterogeneous computing in data centers<br>Accelerating data center workloads<br>FPGA&#8211;based deep learning<br>Embedded systems and domain&#8211;specific solutions<br>Accelerating genomic computations<br>Acceleration of data analytics<br>Reconfigurable computing in the IoT era<br>Applications in finance<br>Wireless and mobile systems<br>Application&#8211;aware controller synthesis<br>Emerging technologies (optical models,3D Interconnects, devices)<br>Reconfigurable accelerators<br>Hardware and software architectures for cyber&#8211;physical systems<br>Distributed systems &amp; networks<br>Critical issues (security, energy efficiency, fault&#8211;tolerance)<br>Autonomous and semi&#8211;autonomous large&#8211;scale CPS<br>Autonomic computing systems<br>High&#8211;level design methods (hardware/software co&#8211;design,compilers)<br>Simulations and prototyping (performance analysis, verification)<br>Socio&#8211;technical systems<br>