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The Internet of Things (IoT) presents unprecedented opportunities for building smart society&#046; Big data collected from numerous “Things”, connected to different interfaces and locations, facilitate smarter decision making and personalised services&#046; Although all the hope of anticipated benefits from IoT, security remains a big challenge to overcome&#046; Manufacturers are yet shipping IoT devices with security flaws, which put users or even the other parts of our connected cyber world at risk&#046; Those vulnerable IoT devices would be easily exploited to launch massive cyber attacks to other online services or IT infrastructures&#046; All the privacy, robustness and security issues are challenging the movement towards smart society&#046;<br>Outline<br>The SITN&#8211;2019 workshop is an international event, which aims to bring together expertise from academia and industry to build secure IoT infrastructures for smart society&#046; It also provides a venue for international researchers and leading industry experts in IoT and cyber&#8211;security to establish future partnerships and research collaborations&#046;<br>The SITN&#8211;2019 workshop will be held in London, the UK and in collaboration with The Edinburgh Napier University, Technical University of Denmark, and the University of the West of England on the August 19&#8211;22, 2019 and in parallel with the CollaborateCom 2019 – 15th EAI International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing&#046; All interested stakeholders from academia and industry are invited to submit their original work on building secure IoT infrastructures for Smart<br>Society to the SITN&#8211;2019 workshop&#046;<br>Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>Threat Models in Internet of Things<br>Attack Strategies for Internet of Things<br>Security Architectures<br>Security in Wireless Sensor Networks<br>Reliable Interactions with Network Services<br>System and Data Integrity<br>Scalability and Robustness for Internet of Things<br>Identity Management in Internet of Things<br>Trustworthiness in Internet of Things<br>Secure Operating Systems<br>Secure routing for Internet of Things<br>Privacy in Internet of Things<br>Adaptive Security in Internet of Things<br>Secure IoT interactions<br>Secure IoT architecture design<br>Digital forensics for IoT<br>Malware Detection<br>Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems for IoT<br>Distinguished papers selected from SITN &#8211;2019, after further extensions, will be recommended for submission and publication in Special Issues of SCI&#8211;indexed Journals<br>