<div><font size="2"><font face="Verdana">ABOUT ICAISC 2019<br></font></font></div><div><br></div><font size="2"><font face="Verdana">The 18th International Conference on Articial Intelligence and Soft Computing ICAISC 2019 will be held in Zakopane (situated in the High Tatra mountains), Poland in June 16–20, 2019 in Mercure Zakopane Kasprowy Hotel. The conference will provide an excellent opportunity for scientists and engineers to present and discuss the latest scientic results and methods. The conference will include keynote addresses, contributed papers, and numerous lectures and tutorials on a wide range of topics.<br>Springer sponsors the ICAISC 2019 Best Paper Award by providing an amount of EUR 1,000.<br></font></font><div><font size="2"><font face="Verdana">The working language of the conference is English. Only original, unpublished papers are invited. Authors should submit an electronic version of papers by the conference web page. The papers should be organized in accordance with a common scientic structure (abstract, state of the art in the eld, intention, used methodology, obtained results and references). Papers will undergo double–blind reviewing by an international committee, and accepted on the basis of their scientic merit and relevance to the conference topics. Please prepare anonymized versions of the paper being submitted. Please preserve anonymity by avoiding providing information that may identify the authors in the acknowledgements, links to websites and the literature references. After the notication of acceptance, authors will be allowed to make a correction in accordance with the suggestions of the reviewers and submit nal camera–ready papers in Latex format only. The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Articial Intelligence distributed among the participants during the conference. Accepted papers must be presented by the author(s) personally to be published in the conference proceedings.</font></font></div><div><br></div><div><font size="2"><font face="Verdana">Contributions covering all theoretical developments and practical applications in articial intelligence and soft computing techniques, including but not limited to the following technical areas, are invited:<br>Agent–based systems Ant colony optimization Approximate reasoning Articial immune systems Articial Intelligence in modelling and simulation Articial Intelligence in scheduling and optimization Articial life Bioinformatics and computational biology Brain–machine interfaces Cognitive systems and applications<br>Computer vision Data mining Differential Evolution Evolutionary data mining Evolutionary design Evolutionary scheduling Expert systems Fuzzy Computing with Words Fuzzy control and intelligent systems Fuzzy decision making and decision support systems Fuzzy logic and fuzzy set theory<br>Fuzzy optimization and design Fuzzy pattern recognition Fuzzy systems for robotics Game theory Hardware Implementations Intelligent database systems Knowledge engineering Machine learning Modeling and identication Molecular and quantum computing Multi–agent systems Collective intelligence<br>Natural language processing Neural Network Theory and Architectures Particle swarm optimization Robotics and related elds Rough sets and rough data analysis Speech understanding Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Type–2 fuzzy logic Various Applications Web intelligence Human–computer interaction</font></font><br></div>
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