The rise of mobile, social and cloud apps poses new challenges and opportunities to the field of requirements engineering (RE). Traditional RE techniques have difficulties scaling up to settings with a ‘crowd’ of thousands up to millions of users of a (software) product. The crowd is an interesting source for RE because it produces user feedback in texts and usage data. Being able to respond quickly, effectively and iteratively to the requirements, problems, wishes and needs identified in user feedback can increase a product’s success. Crowd–Based RE (CrowdRE) seeks to provide RE with suitable means for this crowd paradigm.<br>The Third Workshop on Crowd–Based Requirements Engineering (CrowdRE’19) builds on the successes of its previous editions, which unified the visions into a coherent RE approach (CrowdRE’15), established a roadmap and shared resources (CrowdRE’17), and strengthened relationships to artificial intelligence techniques (CrowdRE as special focal topic of AIRE’18).<br>
Jeju Island
South Korea
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