United Arab Emirates
Deadline Paper
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We invite you to submit your papers/posters proposals to the 3rd International Symposium on Intelligent Computing Systems &#8211; ISICS 2020&#046; This international event will be held in Sharjah, UAE, on March 18 &#8211; 19, 2020&#046;<br>This symposium will focus on the field of artificial intelligence, including among others robotics, computer vision and image processing&#046; The topics of interest covered include, but are not limited to:<br>Neural Networks/ Bayesian Learning / Bioinformatics / Classification and Clustering / Kernel Machines / Feedforward Models / Natural Language and Speech Processing / Feature Extraction and Dimension Reduction / Deep Learning / Reinforcement Learning / Image Processing / Computer Vision / Robotics / Signal Processing / Recurrent Networks and Dynamical Systems / Hybrid Learning Systems / Self&#8211;Organizing Maps / Statistical and Mathematical Aspects of Artificial Intelligence / Optimization Methods in Learning / Data Mining / Fuzzy Systems / Evolutionary Computation / Ontologies<br>