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CALL FOR WORKSHOPS &#8211; WACV 2020<br>The 2020 IEEE Winter Conference of Applications on Computer Vision (WACV 2020) will host two days of workshops&#046; We invite workshop proposals that focus on topics related to computer vision and its applications, interdisciplinary themes with other scientific and application areas, as well as emerging challenges or competitions&#046;<br>The format, style, and content of accepted workshops are under the control of the workshop organizers and largely autonomous from the main conference&#046; Workshop organizers are expected to manage their technical programs, invite experts in the domain, and maintain a website for the workshop&#046; Workshop registration and logistics will be handled by the main conference&#046;<br>** Important Dates **<br>Workshop proposal deadline: October 1, 2019<br>** Submission Instructions **<br>Proposals should clearly specify the following:<br>+ Workshop title, topic and tentative call for papers<br>+ Motivation, impact, and expected outcomes<br>+ Brief bios of organizers (including email and web pages)<br>+ Tentative program committee<br>+ Format (select either half or full day) and preliminary schedule<br>+ Tentative invited speakers<br>+ Estimated number of submissions and attendees<br>+ Plans (if any) for a special journal issue or book<br>