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ACM MSWiM 2019 is the 22ndAnnual International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulationof Wireless and Mobile Systems&#046; MSWiM is an international forum dedicatedto in&#8211;depth discussion of Wireless and Mobile systems, networks, algorithmsand applications, with an emphasis on rigorous performance evaluation&#046;MSWiM is a highly selective conference with a long track record ofpublishing innovative ideas and breakthroughs&#046;MSWiM 2019 will be held in Miami, USA&#046;<br>Authors are encouraged tosubmit full papers presenting new research related to the theory orpractice of all aspects of modeling, analysis and simulation of mobileand wireless systems&#046; Submitted papers must not have been publishedelsewhere nor currently be under review by another conference or journal&#046;<br>Topics ofInterest<br>Papers relatedto wireless and mobile network Modeling, Analysis, Design, and Simulationare solicited on, but not limited to, the following topics in mobileand wireless systems:<br>• Performance evaluationand modeling<br>•Analytical Models<br>•Simulation languages andtools for wireless systems<br>• Wireless measurementstools and experiences<br>• Formal methods for analysisof wireless systems<br>• Correctness, survivabilityand reliability evaluation<br>• Mobility modeling andmanagement<br>• Models and protocolsfor cognitive radio networks<br>• Models and protocolsfor autonomic, or self&#8211;* networks<br>• Capacity, coverage andconnectivity modeling and analysis<br>• Wireless network algorithmsand protocols<br>• Software Defined Network<br>• Services for Smart City<br>• Wireless PANs, LANs<br>• Ad hoc and MESH networks<br>•Vehicular Ad&#8211;hoc Networks (VANET)<br>• Sensor and actuator networks<br>•Delay Tolerant Networks<br>• Integration of wiredand wireless systems<br>• Pervasive computing andemerging models<br>• Wireless multimedia systems<br>• QoS provisioning in wirelessand mobile networks<br>• Security and privacyof mobile/wireless systems<br>• Algorithms and protocolsfor energy efficient operation and power control<br>• Mobile applications,system software and algorithms<br>• RF channel modeling andanalysis<br>• Design methodologies<br>• Tools, prototypes andtestbeds<br>• Parallel and distributedsimulation of wireless systems<br>•Wireless Communication and Mobile Networking<br>•Operating systems for mobile computations<br>•Programming language support for mobility<br>•Resource management techniques<br>•Management of mobile object systems<br>