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ICDCN is a premier international conference dedicated to addressing advances in Distributed Computing and Communication Networks&#046; Over the years, it has become a leading forum for disseminating the latest research results in these fields&#046; The 21th edition of this conference will be organized in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and School of Mobile Computing and Communication, Jadavpur University,Kolkata, India&#046; Kolkata is not only the home of many industries in India in both public and private sector, but also a major tourist attraction&#046; One can also enjoy the other tourist attraction points around Kolkata&#046;<br>ICDCN 2020 will be organized in two tracks: Distributed Computing and Networking, and will comprise of a highly selective technical program consisting of refereed regular and short papers, panel discussions as well as focused workshops on emerging topics&#046; See Call for Papers for more details&#046; Conference proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital Library&#046;<br>Selected papers will be invited for fast&#8211;track publication in one or more appropriate high&#8211;quality journals&#046; The conference will consider awarding a Best Paper Award, independently for each track&#046;<br>Distributed Computing Track<br>&#8211;Blockchain<br>&#8211;Concurrent Data Structures<br>&#8211;Distributed algorithms: design, analysis, and complexity<br>&#8211;Distributed operating systems<br>&#8211;Distributed database systems<br>&#8211;Embedded distributed systems, sensors and mobile<br>&#8211;Distributed Robots<br>&#8211;Formal methods for distributed systems<br>&#8211;Experimental evaluation of distributed systems<br>&#8211;Fault&#8211;tolerance, reliability, and availability<br>&#8211;Multiprocessor &amp; multi&#8211;core architectures &amp; algorithms<br>&#8211;Self&#8211;organization, self&#8211;stabilization, &amp; autonomic computing<br>&#8211;High performance computing, grid computing<br>&#8211;Multi&#8211;tire cloud computing and Big Data processing<br>&#8211;Security, cryptography and Game theory in distributed systems<br>&#8211;Internet&#8211;scale distributed systems<br>Networking Track<br>&#8211;5G, ultra&#8211;dense networks, and next&#8211;gen networks and services<br>&#8211;Ad&#8211;hoc, sensor, PAN and mesh networks<br>&#8211;Backscatter and ultra&#8211;low power networks<br>&#8211;Cognitive networking<br>&#8211;Data center and cloud networking<br>&#8211;Energy&#8211;efficient networking &amp; integration with smart grids<br>&#8211;Internetworking protocols &amp; Internet applications<br>&#8211;IoT connectivity and Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)<br>&#8211;Mobile Edge Computing (MEC)<br>&#8211;Mobile offloading<br>&#8211;Mobile pervasive computing and networking<br>&#8211;Network function virtualization and Software Defined Networking (SDN)<br>&#8211;Network security &amp; privacy<br>&#8211;Next generation &amp; converged network architectures<br>&#8211;Overlay &amp; peer&#8211;to&#8211;peer networks and services<br>&#8211;Pricing and network economics<br>