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The 1st Model&#8211;driven Simulation and Training Environments for Cybersecurity (MSTEC) addresses recent advances in the field of cyber modeling and simulation&#046; It is aimed at providing a forum of practitioners and researchers to discuss cyber modeling and simulation (M&S) as well as its application to the development of cyber&#8211;security training scenarios and courses of action (COAs)&#046; Specifically, it will focus on the verification and validation (V&V) process, which provides the operational community with confidence in knowing that cyber models represent the real world, and will discuss how defense training may benefit from cyber models&#046; It will also investigate advances in emulators, simulators and their potential combination&#046; The workshop papers are expected to take a holistic approach to the overall system assurance process, presenting advances in the simulation of people, policies, processes, and technologies currently available in the field&#046; The workshop aims to connect the multiple threads that currently compose cyber modelling and simulation into a coherent view of what is usable in order to train experts and non&#8211;computer&#8211;savvy users toward and assured operation of critical systems&#046; The workshop will precede the ESORICS 2019 conference&#046;<br>MSTEC encourages systems security researchers to share early iterations of bleeding&#8211;edge ideas with the community, before they are further developed into full papers&#046; Reciprocally, authors receive feedback to help steer and improve their research to its full potential&#046;<br>**** Topics of Interest ****<br>We invite submissions of full research and survey papers as well as posters on related topics to cybersecurity, including but not limited to:<br>&#8211; Cyber threat and training preparation models<br>&#8211; Cyber models and training design<br>&#8211; Cyber ranges for cybersecurity training and training facility<br>&#8211; Training platforms and evaluation scenarios<br>&#8211; On&#8211;line training procedures and courses of action (COAs)<br>&#8211; Training adaptation and training for non&#8211;cybersecurity experts<br>&#8211; Gamification and serious games<br>&#8211; Modeling and simulation for cyber training (M&S)<br>&#8211; Simulation and emulation of information systems, networks, and cyber attacks<br>&#8211; Real&#8211;time monitoring and visualization<br>&#8211; System assurance verification and validation (V&V)<br>In accordance with the spirit of MSTEC, we also seek:<br>&#8211; Quantified or insightful experience with existing systems<br>&#8211; Reproduction or refutation of previous results<br>&#8211; Negative results and early ideas<br>