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The IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture® is the premier forumfor presenting, discussing, and debating innovative microarchitecture ideas and techniquesfor advanced computing and communication systems&#046; This symposium brings togetherresearchers in fields related to microarchitecture, compilers, chips, and systems fortechnical exchange on traditional microarchitecture topics and emerging research areas&#046;The MICRO community has enjoyed a close interaction between academic researchers andindustrial designers, and we aim to continue this tradition at MICRO&#8211;52&#046;In 2019, MICRO goes to Columbus, Ohio&#046; We invite original paper submissions related to (but not limited to) the following topics:<br>•Architectures for emerging application domains such as deep learning, machine learning, relational computation, neuromorphic, quantum, etc&#046;<br>•Accelerator designs and heterogeneous architectures including system&#8211;on&#8211;chip architectures, application specific fixed function, programmable, reconfigurable, near&#8211;data and in&#8211;memory accelerators, etc&#046;<br>•Architectural support for security, side&#8211;channel attacks and mitigation, privacy preserving computation, IoT/Cloud/Cyber&#8211;Physical&#8211;System security, security primitives, trusted execution environments, etc&#046;<br>•Architecture, microarchitecture and/or compiler optimizations for graphics processor units (GPUs) or other programmable accelerators<br>•Microarchitecture and compiler techniques for optimizing the memory hierarchy, analysis of new memory hierarchies, emerging architectures based on new memory technologies<br>•Hardware, software, and hybrid techniques for improving system performance, energy&#8211;efficiency, security, cost, complexity, programmer productivity, predictability, quality of service, reliability, dependability, scalability, etc&#046;<br>•Architectures for instruction&#8211;level, thread&#8211;level, and memory&#8211;level parallelism: superscalar, VLIW, data&#8211;parallel, multithreaded, multicore, many&#8211;core, etc&#046;<br>•Processor, memory, interconnect, and storage architectures<br>•Compiler and microarchitectural techniques for parallelism (ILP, TLP, MLP)<br>•Microarchitecture techniques to better support system software, programming languages, programmability, and compilation<br>•Advanced software/hardware speculation and prediction schemes<br>•Microarchitecture modeling and simulation methodology<br>•Low&#8211;power, high&#8211;performance, and cost/complexity&#8211;efficient architectures<br>•Architectures for emerging embedded platforms, including smartphones, automotive, server/cloud, etc&#046;<br>•Architecture and/or compiler optimizations for embedded processors, DSPs, ASIPs (network processors, multimedia, wireless, etc&#046;)<br>•Insightful experimental and comparative evaluation and analysis of existing microarchitectures, hardware/software mechanisms and workloads<br>