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<br>Scope<br>The aim of SISY 2019 symposium is to offer researchers an opportunity to extend the existing scientific relationships all over the world in the field of Intelligent Systems&#046; Our hope is that researchers and lecturers working at various institutions will find common research areas at the conference so that they can cooperate on bilateral or international projects&#046;<br>Topics<br>Computational Intelligence (track chair: Róbert Fullér): Machine Learning, Genetic Algorithms, Neural Nets, Fuzzy Systems, Fuzzy and Neuro&#8211;Fuzzy Control, Knowledge Based Systems, Expert Systems<br>Intelligent Robotics (track chair: Peter Sarcevic): Control, Flexible Arm Control, Perception and Recognition, Reasoning, Learning, Robotic Systems, Human&#8211;Robotic Interaction, Service Robots, Surgery Robots, Machine Vision<br>Intelligent Mechatronics (track chair: Radu&#8211;Emil Precup): Sensing and Sensor Data Fusion, Motion Control, Intelligent Actuators<br>Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (track chair: László Horváth): Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Production Planning and Scheduling, System Simulation, Rapid Prototyping, Concurrent Engineering, Virtual Reality<br>Informatics (track chair: György Eigner): The Web, Business &amp; Digital Culture, Databases, Design &amp; Graphics, Digital Audio, Video and Photography, Hardware, Home &amp; Office, Networking &amp; Sys Admin, Operating Systems, programming, Science &amp; Math, Security Software Engineering, Healthcare Informatics, Teaching Informatics, Informatics in education process<br>Applied Mathematics (track chair: Ivana Štajner&#8211;Papuga)<br><div><br></div>