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<p>KI 2019 is the 42nd edition of the German Conference on Artificial Intelligence organized in cooperation with the AI Chapter of the German Society for Informatics (GI&#8211;FBKI)&#046;<br>KI traditionally brings together academic and industrial researchers from all areas of AI, providing an ideal place for exchanging news and research results of intelligent system technology&#046;<br>List of Topics<br>KI 2019 will have a special focus on “AI methods for Argumentation” and we especially invite contributions that use methods from all areas of AI to understand, formalize or generate argument structures in natural language&#046; The special focus will be organized in cooperation with the DFG funded priority program “RATIO: Robust Argumentation Machines”&#046;<br>Besides this special focus, KI 2019 invites original research and application papers on all aspects of AI research, including but not limited to the following:<br>•Agent&#8211;based and multi&#8211;agent systems<br>•AI applications and innovations<br>•Argumentation in AI<br>•Belief change<br>•Cognitive modelling<br>•AI and psychology<br>•Commonsense reasoning<br>•Computer vision<br>•Constraint satisfaction, search, and optimization<br>•Diagnosis and configuration<br>•Evolutionary computation<br>•Game playing and interactive entertainment<br>•Information retrieval, integration, and extraction<br>•Interactive and automated theorem proving<br>•Knowledge engineering and ontologies<br>•Knowledge representation and reasoning<br>•Knowledge discovery and data mining<br>•Machine learning<br>•Multidisciplinary AI<br>•Natural language processing<br>•Nonmonotonic reasoning and default logics<br>•Philosophical foundations of AI<br>•Planning and scheduling<br>•Recommender systems<br>•Responsible AI, normative reasoning<br>•Robotics<br>•Uncertainty in AI<br>•Web and information systems<br></p><pre><br></pre>