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The 12th International Conference on Information &amp; Communication Technology and System<br>ICTS is a technical co&#8211;sponsored IEEE conference and organized by Informatics Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya, Indonesia&#046; This event is an international forum for computer science, information and communication technology community to discuss and exchange information and knowledge in their areas of interest&#046; It aims to promote activities in research, development, and application in computer science, information and communication technology&#046; Like our previous events, the accepted publications will be published in IEEE Xplore and indexed in SCOPUS&#046;<br>The scope of ICTS encompasses but not limited to the following:<br>– Bioinformatics/Biomedical Applications<br>– Big Data<br>– Computer Network and Architecture<br>– Content&#8211;Based Multimedia Retrieval<br>– Digital Forensic<br>– Distributed System<br>– E&#8211;Learning<br>– Enterprise Information System<br>– Formal Methods<br>– Geographic Information System (GIS)<br>– High&#8211;Performance Computing<br>– Human&#8211;Computer Interaction<br>– Image Processing<br>– Information Retrieval<br>– Information Security &amp; Risk Management<br>– Infrastructure Systems and Services<br>– Intelligent Systems<br>– Knowledge Data Discovery<br>– Modelling Simulation and Applied Computing<br>– Multimedia Application<br>– Network Security<br>– Parallel Programming<br>– Pattern Recognition<br>– Remote Sensing<br>– Robotic<br>– Software Engineering<br>– Ubiquitous System and Infrastructure<br>