INNOV 2019 conference tracks:<br>Trends and achievements<br>Software defined data centers; Botnet in SDNs; Software defined 5G networks; HetNets and 5G; Smart buildings and IoT; Secure SDNs; Standardization for IoTs; 4G to 5G translation; Managing 5G LTE–Advanced networks; LTE heterogeneous networks; LTE–R measurements; Scheduling for LTE–Advanced; Traffic with Big Data; QoE–aware radio; QoS and QoE in LTE networks; Telecommunications in Smart Cities; IoT virtual networks; Device–to–device Internet; Mobile clouds; Smart and sustainable cities; Public data centers; Traffic profiles in data centers; Smart energy; Electric vehicles, Car Connectivity; Green communications systems<br>Communications<br>Communication paradigms; Communications modeling; Communications switching and routing; Communications security; Computer communications; Distributed communications; Signal processing in communications<br>Computing<br>Computational science; Green Computing; Distributed Cloud computing; Cluster, Grid, and P2P computing; Mobile computing; Big Data Processing; High performance computing; Knowledge Management; Collaborative Computing; Internet computing; Social Computing; Sentiment analytics; Bio–inspired computation; Natural language processing; Computational social systems; Immersive communications<br>Mobility and Ubiquity<br>Mobile Cloud; Cloud–based mobile services and applications; Mobile Internet services; Mobility–oriented protocols /Mobile IP, etc./; Wearable and/or mobile technologies; Self–discovery and localizing entities; Seamless handover; Ubiquitous computing; Pervasive and embedded systems; Ubiquitous sustainability; Sensing location; Citizen activity patterns; Smart environments in the workplaces; Ubiquitous cities; Internet of Things architectures; Autonomous and autonomic systems; Self–manageable systems<br>Web Semantic and Data Processing<br>Visualizing Web data and big data; Programming patterns for semantic search; Metrics for data quality; Platforms, methodologies and tools for semantic web design; Linked data and deep web; Development of interoperable web applications; Data analysis of semantic web; Mashing up data and processes; Big data and semantic representation; New semantic–enabled capabilities and existing IDEs; Provenance of semantic data, processes and services; Web–based database integration; Semantic intelligence on the Web; Linked–data enhanced social learning and Web intelligence; Programming semantic mining and retrieval mechanisms<br>Security, Trust, and Privacy<br>Security and Privacy for Internet of Things and Cyber–Physical Systems; Security control and management in smart cities; Trust and credential negotiations in dynamic environments; Privacy and citizen–profiles; Intrusion prevention and containment; Security in clouds and visualization approaches; Architectural support for security; Security, privacy, and dependability; Security in cooperative networks; Data protection strategies; Collaborative Internet attack containment; Micro–kernels and robustness; Surveillance; Biometrics; Electronic Data Interchange (EDI); Cyber Security; Cryptography; Secure protocols<br>Optimization and Protection<br>Performance modeling and analysis; Internet modeling; Parameter estimation for adaptation of wireless communication systems; Trust, security and privacy issues; Encryption algorithm in sensor networks; Web Services Security; Adaptive wireless communication systems; Quality of Service, scalability and reliability; Power aware and energy efficient design; Energy–efficient data centers; Emission modeling and environmental impact assessment of vehicular networks<br>Shared Resources<br>Medium access control and routing protocols; Spectrum sensing techniques, spectrum efficiency and soft spectrum usage; Femto–cells and cognitive radios networks; Ultra–wideband for spectrum sharing; New applications in TV–band white space; Interference mitigation and awareness; Spectrum–management regulation and policy making; Mobility or handover technology; Application of software defined radio advanced communication systems; Information content security; Storage performance and scalability; File systems, object–based storage, and block storage; Energy–aware storage<br>Communication and Services<br>Content distribution networks; Multimedia Communications; Audio, Image and Video Processing; Information aggregation and dissemination; Data–collection, organization and dissemination methods; Data management in mobile Peer–to–Peer networks; Data stream processing in mobile/sensor networks; Ultrawideband systems; Optical communications and networks; Vehicular communications; Smart grid communications; Green communications and networks; Cognitive communications<br>Social Networks and Services<br>New architectures for Web–based social networks; Collaborative social systems (e/m–learning, e–healthcare, gaming); Information propagation on social networks; Resource and knowledge discovery using social networks; Peer–to–Peer social networks; Sensor networks and social sensing; Social networking solutions for pervasive and mobile environments; Social search; Social analytics; Measurement studies of current social networks; Simulation models for social networks; User interfaces and usability issues from mobile applications mobile social networks<br>Networking and Telecommunications<br>New ITS and Telematics applications; ITS and Telematics services; Design with multiple wireless data links; Mobility or handover technology; Multiple antenna systems; Physical layer and antenna technologies; RF propagation models for vehicularnetworks; Network architectures and protocols; Cross–layer designs and architectures; Mobility management and topology control; Spectrum, network, context, environment, location awareness; Heterogeneous networking; Wireless networking; Advanced 5G approaches; Ad hoc, sensor and mesh networks; Devices for ubiquity networking (smart–phones, tablets, and netbooks); Software–defined systems; Content–oriented systems<br>
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