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The 19th international ACSD conference will be organized by the Process<br>and Data Science (PADS) group at RWTH Aachen University, Aachen,<br>Germany&#046; The conference will take place in the conference area of the<br>Tivoli football stadium, close to the city center of Aachen&#046; The<br>language of the conference is English&#046; The conference proceedings will<br>be submitted for inclusion to IEEE Xplore&#046;<br>CONFERENCE SCOPE:<br>The conference aims at cross&#8211;fertilizing both theoretical and applied<br>research about formal approaches (in a broad sense) to designing<br>computer systems that exhibit concurrent behavior&#046; In particular, the<br>following topics are of interest:<br>&#8211; Formal models of computation and concurrency for synchronous and<br>asynchronous systems and problems, like data&#8211;flow models, communicating<br>automata, Petri nets, process algebras, graph rewriting systems, state<br>charts, MSCs, modal and temporal logics<br>&#8211; Design principles for concurrent systems, in particular<br>hardware/software co&#8211;design, platform&#8211;based design, component&#8211;based<br>design, modular synthesis, distributed simulation and control,<br>refinement techniques, hardware/software abstractions, cross&#8211;layer<br>optimization<br>&#8211; Algorithms and tools for concurrent systems, ranging from programming<br>languages to algorithmic methods, for system analysis and construction,<br>including model checking, verification, and static analysis techniques<br>as well as synthesis procedures<br>&#8211; High&#8211;performance computer architectures like many&#8211;core processors,<br>on&#8211;chip&#8211;networks, graphics processing units, instruction&#8211;level<br>parallelism, dataflow architectures, cache coherency, memory systems, up<br>to ad&#8211;hoc, mobile, and wireless networks<br>&#8211; Resource management in implementations including task and<br>communication scheduling, network&#8211;, memory&#8211;, and power&#8211;management,<br>energy/power distribution, fault&#8211;tolerance, quality of service,<br>scalability, load balancing, power proportionality<br>&#8211; Real&#8211;time aspects, incl&#046; hard real&#8211;time requirements, security&#8211; and<br>safety&#8211;critical issues, functional and timing verification<br>&#8211; Cyber&#8211;physical systems, hybrid systems, networked systems, and<br>networks in biological systems<br>&#8211; Case studies of general interest, from industrial applications to<br>consumer electronics and multimedia, automotive systems, (bio&#8211;) medical<br>applications, neuromorphic applications, internet (of things) and grid<br>computing, to gaming applications&#046;<br>