Campo Grande
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SBAC&#8211;PAD is an international symposium, started in 1987, which has continuously presented an overview of new developments, applications, and trends in parallel and distributed computing technologies&#046; SBACPAD is open for faculty members, researchers, specialists and graduate students around the world&#046;<br>In this edition, the symposium will be held at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, in Campo Grande, Brazil&#046; Campo Grande, a city, planned in the midst of a vast green area with wide streets and avenues, is located in a plateau region, close to the great centers of the country &#8211; only 1h30min flight from São Paulo and Brasilia&#046; The city is also an obligatory passage for the beginning of an eco&#8211;tourism adventure to those who propose to know the Pantanal and Bonito&#046;<br>Authors are invited to submit manuscripts on a wide range of high&#8211;performance and distributed computing areas&#046; Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):<br>Application&#8211;specific systems<br>Architecture and programming support for emerging domains (Big Data, Deep Learning, Machine learning, Cognitive Systems)<br>Benchmarking, performance measurements, and analysis<br>Cloud, cluster, and edge/fog computing systems<br>Embedded and pervasive systems<br>GPUs, FPGAs and accelerator architectures<br>Languages, compilers, and tools for parallel and distributed programming<br>Modeling and simulation methodology<br>Operating systems and virtualization<br>Parallel and distributed systems, algorithms, and applications<br>Power and energy&#8211;efficient systems<br>Processor, cache, memory, storage, and network architecture<br>Real&#8211;world applications and case studies<br>Reconfigurable, resilient and fault&#8211;tolerant systems<br>