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The 7th edition of the International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications<br>(ISNCC) will be held in the beautiful city of Montreal, Canada from 16&#8211;18 June 2020&#046;<br><div>Technical Co&#8211;Sponsors and Partners:</div><div><br></div>(ISNCC) will be held in the beautiful city of Montreal, Canada from 16&#8211;18 June 2020&#046;<br>ISNCC covers theoretical and practical aspects related to Information Systems, Communication<br>Networks and Computing Technologies&#046; This year, the multi&#8211;thematic program focuses on the<br>major future scientific issues for the following scientific topics, divided into the following main<br><div>tracks :</div><div><br></div><div>Paper Submission : December 22, 2019</div><div><br></div><div>URL: www&#046;isncc&#8211;conf&#046;org Contact: isncc@ieee&#046;org</div><div><br></div>• Wireless and Mobile Networks<br>• Cloud &amp; Fog Computing<br>• Smart Communications Systems<br>• Satellite Communications &amp; Networks<br>• Antenna, Propagation and RF Design<br>• NFV&#8211;SDN<br>•IoE &amp; Smart Cities<br>•Trust, Security and Privacy<br>•Grid and Social Computing<br><div>• Big Data Analytics &amp; Machine Learning</div><div><br></div>The ISNCC 2020 edition will propose a set of technical keynotes made by internationally<br>recognized researchers and experts&#046; The target audience of ISNCC ranges from Senior<br>researchers to Ph&#046;D&#046; and Master students&#046; Researchers and engineers from companies are<br>welcome, and may greatly benefit from the broad vision provided by this symposium&#046;<br>