Machine Learning
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<div>MEConferences team cordially invites all participants across the world to attend the 6th World Machine Learning and Deep Learning Congress (Machine Learning 2019) which is going to be held during October 24&#8211;25, 2019 in Helsinki, Finland&#046; The main theme of the conference is “Making world a new place with technology"&#046; This conference aimed to expand its coverage in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning where expert talks, young researcher’s presentations will be placed in every session of the meeting will be inspired to keep up your enthusiasm&#046; We feel our expert Organizing Committee is our major asset, however, speakers are what make events stand out&#046; 6th World Machine Learning and Deep Learning Congress is bringing the most innovative minds, practitioners, experts and thinkers to inspire and present to the delegates new innovative ways to work and innovate through their data&#046; Your presence over the venue will add one more feather to the crown of Machine Learning 2019&#046;<br>Machine Learning is a method of teaching computers how to perform complex tasks that cannot be easily described or processed by humans and to make predictions&#046; It is a combination of Mathematical Optimization and Statics&#046; On the other hand, Deep Learning is the subset of ML that focus even more narrowly like a neuron level to solve any problem&#046; Machine Learning 2019 is comprised of the following sessions with 20 tracks designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current applications, discoveries, and issues of Machine Learning and Deep Learning&#046;<br></div><div><br></div><div>Track 1:Artificial Intelligence</div>Track 2:Machine Learning<br>Track 3:Deep Learning<br>Track 4:Deep Learning Frameworks<br>Track 5:AI &amp; Machine Learning in HealthCare &amp; Medical Science<br>Track 6:Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)<br>Track 7:Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Speech Recognition<br>Track 8:Pattern Recognition<br>Track 9:Facial Expression and Emotion Detection<br>Track 10:Computer Vision and Image Processing<br>Track 11:Robotic Process Automation (RPA)<br>Track 12:Virtual Reality And Augmented Reality<br>Track 13:Internet of Things (IoT)<br>Track 14:Big Data, Data Science and Data Mining<br>Track 15:Big Data Analytics<br>Track 16:Predictive Analytics<br>Track 17:Cloud Computing<br>