SCOPE AND TOPICS OF INTEREST Papers on all aspects of real-time systems are welcome. This covers not only hard real-time systems but also time-sensitive systems in general. Typical applications are found in the classical domains of embedded and cyber-physical systems but also beyond, and include automotive, avionics, telecommunications, healthcare, robotics, space, etc. To be in scope, papers must address some form of timing requirement. We welcome theoretical and practical contributions (including tools, benchmarks and case studies) to the state of the art in the design, implementation, verification and validation of real-time systems. This includes, but is not limited to: - scheduling design and analysis - real-time operating systems, hypervisors and middleware - memory management and bus contention - worst-case execution time analysis - networks and communication protocols - formal models and analysis techniques for real-time systems - interplay between real-time and other aspects (security, safety, control, power/energy/thermal management, etc.) - mixed-criticality design and assurance - hardware/software co-design - programming languages and compilers - virtualization and timing isolation This year, we invite specifically papers focusing on improving the resilience of real-time and embedded systems against accidental and malicious faults. The models, assumptions and application scenarios used in the paper must be properly motivated. Whenever relevant, we strongly encourage authors to present experimental results (preferably based on real data, but synthetic test cases are permitted) and/or to demonstrate applicability of their approach to real systems (examples can be found at We encourage open-source initiatives and computer-assisted proofs in order to increase confidence in practical and theoretical results and to improve their reusability.
Modena, Italy
Deadline Paper
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